A Skrub use case in academia

Riccardo Cappuzzo


Plan for the presentation

  • Context and explanation of the problem
  • The Retrieve, Merge, Predict pipeline
  • How is this relevant?

Riddle me this…

I have a table I want to train a model on. I also have access to a large collection of tables.

How do I combine the two to train a better model?

Example: augmenting tables

Example: augmenting tables

Example: augmenting tables

Example: augmenting tables

Some definitions

  • Base table: the table we want to augment (“Movies”, “Housing”…)
  • Query column: a column that should be used as join key (“Movie title”, “Address”…)
  • Data lake: an unstructured repository of many (thousands of…) “candidate tables”
  • Candidate table: a table that may be useful for augmenting the base table (“Movie directors”…)
  • Candidate column: a column in a candidate table that could be joined on the query column (“Title” in a table about filmographies)
  • Augmented table: the result of joining the base table and a candidate table


This terminology is slightly different from that used in the Skrub documentation

Jaccard Containment

  • Jaccard Similarity: \(\frac{|Q \cap X|}{|Q \cup X|}\)
  • Jaccard Containment: \(\frac{|Q \cap X|}{|Q|}\)

Jaccard containment is a “normalized” intersection:


What fraction of of query set Q is in candidate column X?


The focus of the study:

  • Find the best way to discover candidates.
  • Work within a defined computational budget
  • Work with exact joins between a base table and multiple join candidates.
  • Guarantee that results are reproducible.

We do not consider:

  • Entity matching or fuzzy joins (e.g., matching “NYT” and “The New York Times”).
  • Discovering the query column.
  • Multi-key joins

Working with data lakes is hard

  • Some CSVs don’t use commas
  • Some CSVs have no (known) schema
  • Some CSVs aren’t CSVs, they’re actually JSON files in disguise
  • Some JSONs aren’t JSONs, they’re actually strings in disguise

If you don’t know the tables, everyone is sus

Retrieve, Merge, Predict

Pipeline schema

Candidate retrieval

  • Exact Matching: measure the exact Jaccard containment (JC) for each column in the data lake.
  • MinHash: estimate the Jaccard containment, query to get columns with a JC larger than a threshold.
  • Hybrid MinHash: query with MinHash, then measure the exact JC for the retrieved candidates.
  • Starmie : use a language model to query candidate columns.

Candidate selection

  • Highest Containment Join: Rank candidates by Jaccard Containment.
  • Full Join: Join all candidates.
  • Best Single Join: Train a model on each candidate, select the best.
  • Stepwise Greedy Join: Like Best Single Join, but keep all good candidates.



  • Any: take one value at random from each group
  • Mean: for each group, take the mean of numerical values and mode of categorical values
  • Deep Feature Synthesis (DFS): greedily generate new features (count, mean, sum…) to already present features.


  • RidgeCV: linear baseline 📈
  • CatBoost: GDBT 🌲
  • ResNet: Neural Networks 🧠
  • RealMLP: Neural Networks 🧠

Some experimental results

Total compute time

ML Model Platform Total compute time
RidgeCV CPU 4y 3m 10d 7h
CatBoost CPU 1y 3m 29d 21h
ResNet GPU 5y 6m 23d 0h
RealMLP GPU 10y 7m 23d 3h
Total Both 21y 9m 26d 8h

What does this have to do with Skrub?

“Features” of research code

Research code…

  • Is mostly custom-made for a specific experiment
  • Features little to no testing
  • Often is poorly documented, or not at all
  • Involves a lot of technical debt

Skrub to the rescue

  • Well tested code
  • Good documentation
  • Features cover much of the pipeline

Using Skrub features in the pipeline

  • The Discover object can replace (part of) the retrieval step.
  • All the code for joining can be replaced by the AggJoiner or MultiAggJoiner.
  • The MultiAggJoiner is an additional baseline.
  • The TableVectorizer can handle automated preprocessing of the tables.
  • Joined candidates can be examined quickly using the TableReport.

“Skrubified” pipeline

“Skrubified” pipeline

Example with MultiAggJoiner

merged = source_table.clone()
hashes = []
for hash_, mdata in tqdm(
    desc="Full Join",
    cnd_md = mdata.candidate_metadata
    candidate_table = pl.read_parquet(cnd_md["full_path"])

    left_on = mdata.left_on
    right_on = mdata.right_on

    aggr_right = aggregate_table(
        candidate_table, right_on, aggregation_method=aggregation

    merged = execute_join(
        suffix="_" + hash_[:10],
from skrub import MultiAggJoiner
joiner = MultiAggJoiner(candidate_tables, keys=candidate_keys)
merged = joiner.fit_transform(source_table)

Wrapping up




  • Riccardo Cappuzzo (SODA, Dataiku)
  • Aimee Coelho (Dataiku)
  • Felix Lefebvre (SODA)
  • Paolo Papotti (Eurecom)
  • Gael Varoquaux (SODA)

Conclusions and summary

  • Tree-based models are more effective and more resilient than the alternatives
  • Good table retrieval affects the whole pipeline
  • Simple methods produce results comparable or even better than more complex methods
  • Skrub provides well-tested, well-documented code
  • Skrub objects provide features that cover most of the pipeline
  • In return, the pipeline helped deciding on relevant features.