.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "auto_examples/08_join_aggregation.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. or to run this example in your browser via JupyterLite or Binder .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_auto_examples_08_join_aggregation.py: AggJoiner on a credit fraud dataset =================================== Many problems involve tables whose entities have a one-to-many relationship. To simplify aggregate-then-join operations for machine learning, we can include the |AggJoiner| in our pipeline. In this example, we are tackling a fraudulent loan detection use case. Because fraud is rare, this dataset is extremely imbalanced, with a prevalence of around 1.4%. The data consists of two distinct entities: e-commerce "baskets", and "products". Baskets can be tagged fraudulent (1) or not (0), and are essentially a list of products of variable size. Each basket is linked to at least one products, e.g. basket 1 can have product 1 and 2. .. image:: ../../_static/08_example_data.png :width: 450 px | Our aim is to predict which baskets are fraudulent. The products dataframe can be joined on the baskets dataframe using the ``basket_ID`` column. Each product has several attributes: - a category (marked by the column ``"item"``), - a model (``"model"``), - a brand (``"make"``), - a merchant code (``"goods_code"``), - a price per unit (``"cash_price"``), - a quantity selected in the basket (``"Nbr_of_prod_purchas"``) .. |AggJoiner| replace:: :class:`~skrub.AggJoiner` .. |Joiner| replace:: :class:`~skrub.Joiner` .. |DropCols| replace:: :class:`~skrub.DropCols` .. |TableVectorizer| replace:: :class:`~skrub.TableVectorizer` .. |TableReport| replace:: :class:`~skrub.TableReport` .. |MinHashEncoder| replace:: :class:`~skrub.MinHashEncoder` .. |TargetEncoder| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.preprocessing.TargetEncoder` .. |make_pipeline| replace:: :func:`~sklearn.pipeline.make_pipeline` .. |Pipeline| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline` .. |HGBC| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.ensemble.HistGradientBoostingClassifier` .. |OrdinalEncoder| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder` .. |TunedThresholdClassifierCV| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.model_selection.TunedThresholdClassifierCV` .. |CalibrationDisplay| replace:: :class:`~sklearn.calibration.CalibrationDisplay` .. |pandas.melt| replace:: :func:`~pandas.melt` .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 82-89 .. code-block:: Python from skrub import TableReport from skrub.datasets import fetch_credit_fraud bunch = fetch_credit_fraud() products, baskets = bunch.products, bunch.baskets TableReport(products) .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-script-out .. code-block:: none Downloading 'credit_fraud' from https://github.com/skrub-data/skrub-data-files/raw/refs/heads/main/credit_fraud.zip (attempt 1/3) .. raw:: html

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.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 90-92 .. code-block:: Python TableReport(baskets) .. raw:: html

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The skrub table reports need javascript to display correctly. If you are displaying a report in a Jupyter notebook and you see this message, you may need to re-execute the cell or to trust the notebook (button on the top right or "File > Trust notebook").

.. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 93-106 Naive aggregation ----------------- Let's explore a naive solution first. .. note:: Click :ref:`here` to skip this section and see the AggJoiner in action! The first idea that comes to mind to merge these two tables is to aggregate the products attributes into lists, using their basket IDs. .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 106-109 .. code-block:: Python products_grouped = products.groupby("basket_ID").agg(list) TableReport(products_grouped) .. raw:: html