========== Installing ========== .. raw:: html

.. code:: console $ pip install skrub -U .. raw:: html

.. code:: console $ conda install -c conda-forge skrub .. raw:: html

.. code:: console $ mamba install -c conda-forge skrub .. raw:: html

Advanced usage, for contributors -------------------------------- If you want to contribute to the project, you can install the development version of skrub from the source code: .. code:: console $ git clone https://github.com/skrub-data/skrub Create a virtual environment, here for example, using `conda `_: .. code:: console $ conda create -n skrub python=3.10 # or any later python version $ conda activate skrub Then, install the local package in editable mode, with the development requirements: .. code:: console $ cd skrub $ pip install -e ".[dev]" Next step, enable the pre-commit hooks: .. code:: console $ pre-commit install Finally, a few revisions better be ignored by ``git blame`` and IDE integrations. These revisions are listed in ``.git-blame-ignore-revs``, which can be set in your local repository with: .. code:: console $ git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs You're ready to go! If not already done, please have a look at the `contributing guidelines `_. .. raw:: html